Slide ATLAS sectors INTERNATIONAL We are delivering Quality Manpower to the world for the last 10+ years. Following are some of the sectors we have built our expertise in. Explore! oil-gas OIL & GAS There has been a major contribution of Oil and Gas Industry in meeting the economic development at global levels. With the growth, the industry has come up with countless jobs in the Oil & Gas industry. With projects spread internationally, the workforce is required for conceptualizing, designing, building, managing and operating the projects. construction and engineering CONSTRUCTION Construction industry forms solid foundation for any economy. With the rapid automation and mechanization, the construction industry is well balanced in terms of technology and has emerged as most dynamic as well as rapidly advancing industry sector. With the industry facing unprecedented growth in past few years, the expansion and modernization procedures employed by the companies involve use of new technologies as well as employing more personnel to take care of the expanding job role demands. oil refineries OIL FIELDS &
Oil field and refineries provide a major contribution for the Oil and Gas Industry and have emerged as a major factor in providing high economic development. For meeting up to the functional requirements of the industry, many job opportunities are available where the client companies require service support of experienced professionals to handle the present and at the same time fuel for the future growth.
POWER PLANT Petroleum industry comprises global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines) as well as meeting the marketing demands of petroleum products. The largest volume products of industry includes fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum also forms the raw material for many chemical products including solvents, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and others. Petro-
Petroleum industry comprises global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines) as well as meeting the marketing demands of petroleum products. The largest volume products of industry includes fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum also forms the raw material for many chemical products including solvents, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and others.
Hospitality Hospitality industry has also come up in a big way to handle its share of challenges in the emerging market. The industry itself is vast and extensive and with the fast picking global economy, has seen growing number of opportunities for new comers and experienced players. Here, the industry requirements include service support of skilled candidates having positive approach towards their specific sector as well as complete conviction in their profile. MARINE Marine industry has fueled high growth with the rise in coming up of increased port activity as well as for recreation purposes that has helped in opening up new job openings for talented and experienced professionals in particular trade.
We also maintain a data base of qualified and experienced personnel who are already pursuing a successful career in the industry so as to provide them a better placement opportunity as per the emerging recruitment possibilities in this industry sector.
The rise in technology has also seen a sea of change in the mechanical and plumbing sectors where the industry has seen rapid use if technology support to come up with innovative end solutions to provide more comfortable usage and working in the given environment. The growth of the industry has also seen a rise in the demand of professionals having desired knowledge of mechanical and plumbing requirements to fuel the growth of this industry sector.
The technological advancement as well as new innovations happening in the electronic industry has made it a booming sector in today’s date. With size of just 0.7 per cent of global industry, this industry sector has created high demand in the Indian market and is growing at a rapid pace, thus indicating much scope in electronic industry.
AVIATION The emerging requirements of the Aviation industry is accurately understand by us as a whole. The significant growth showed by aviation sector, results in the increasing demand of professional manpower solutions. The sharp minded personnel selected by us hold high expertise in respective field areas.